Mosquito Creek Watershed
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Fish and Wildlife
Watershed Profile
Spawner Surveys
F&W Management
F&W Habitat
Fisheries Resource
The stream corridor is a migratory route for birds and home to a variety of indigenous wildlife, including animals such as deer, black bear, coyote, otter, eagle, owl, frog, salmon and trout.

Every effort is being made to preserve the wild fish populations in these creeks.
Many volunteers expend many hours of work.
Salmon and Steelhead are endangered. Spawning habitat is scarce.

Help to protect fish by staying out of streams and avoiding disturbances.

Fish and creek habitat are protected by law.
On the North Shore, fishing is permitted only in Lynn Creek, the Seymour River and the Capilano River - only in season.
A Fishing Permit or Licence is required. Wild stock, if caught, must be released unharmed.

Fishing or removing fish (poaching) from any other stream, including tributaries, is illegal.
Poaching activity should be reported to:
Fisheries and Oceans Canada's 24-hour Hotline at 604-666-3500